The only Disney musical in the Czech Republic in theatrical form returns to the Hybernia Theatre. In just one month, the successful work with music by Phil Collins and the best Czech musical actors and singers will be presented in a renewed premiere. The famous story of a young man raised by a gorilla and searching for his roots has travelled the world. The Czech version of the musical will offer great performances, costumes and a set that will transport the audience to the jungle. Tarzan premiered in Hybernia two years ago, and thanks to a successful performance, which was appreciated directly by the creators from Disney, the musical was able to return to the Czech theatre boards. The premiere will take place on 4 April 2024.
The story follows the fate of the offspring of a young English couple who, after the tragic death of his parents, is raised by a jungle monkey and soon becomes the most powerful creature in the jungle thanks to his strength and wit. His adventurous life in the treetops is turned upside down by the expedition of Professor Porter, who has come to the African jungle to study the life of gorillas. Tarzan realizes for the first time that he is human, and his epiphany is heightened by his reciprocated love for the professor’s daughter Jane. “I would like to invite the audience to a big-budget musical with a cast of more than 50, including a live orchestra, which is not only for families with children,” invites Eva Homindová, director of the Hybernia Theatre.
Robert Urban and Peter Pecha will play the roles of Tarzan in adult form. The roles of Kerchak will be played by Josef Vojtek and Marian Vojtko, while the role of Kala will be played by Dita Hořínková and Jana Zenáhlíková. Ivana Korolová and Petra Vojtková will alternate the role of Jane.