About the inscenation
SWING NIGHT – Jan Smigmator, Ondřej Ruml & BIG BAND
(18 musicians – 5 saxophones, 4 trombones, 4 trumpets, piano, guitar, double bass, drums & Hammond organ)
For years, the relationship between singers Jan Smigmator and Ondrej Ruml may have seemed like a “SWING FIGHT”, and maybe it really was, but the imaginary war axe is long buried!
That’s why these two swingers in body and soul invite you to their first joint concert SWING NIGHT, during which they will be accompanied on the stage of the Hybernia Theatre by an eighteen-member BIG BAND consisting of the best jazz musicians of the Czech music scene! Together and solo they will sing their favourite songs from the repertoires of Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Tony Bennett, as well as Karla Hala, Černoch and Gott! This exceptional evening of music already promises to be one of the major musical events of the year! Perhaps because on this very day, exactly 110 years ago, the King of Swing, Frank Sinatra, was born! Yes, it is indeed possible! 🙂
Meet & Greet – Vstupenka do 5. řady je i vstupenkou na setkání před koncertem v 19:15 v 5. patře Divadla Hybernia. Součástí je i sklenka sektu a možnost vyfotit se s umělci.
Součástí VIP vstupenek (10. a 11. řada) je prohlídka zákulisí včetně prohlídky terasy s krásným výhledem na Prahu.
Upozorňujeme diváky, že místa v 1. řadě mají stísněný prostor pro nohy. Pokud potřebujete z jakéhokoliv důvodu více místa, prosíme, abyste si vybrali k sezení jinou řadu. Děkujeme za pochopení.